Choosing a surrogacy agency
Choosing a surrogacy agency and a destination is a decision of a lifetime that will shape your entire journey to parenthood and one that should not be made lightly. This is a lifelong choice that involves complex legal, financial and emotional factors, each varying greatly between countries and agencies.
It is important to make this decision with a full understanding of the challenges, risks and opportunities involved, ensuring that the path you choose aligns with your values, expectations and long-term goals.

Olga Pysana – your go to Surrogacy Insider
Has worked in international surrogacy since 2019 and has witnessed the creation of more than 250 new families.
Launched and oversaw surrogacy journeys in Ukraine, Mexico, Colombia, Cyprus, Georgia and Albania
Known for her compassionate approach and firm beliefs
Ambassador of International Surrogacy and is passionate about helping people navigate the complex legal, medical, ethical and logistical aspects of surrogacy arrangements across the globe
Came into the world of surrogacy to realize a personal dream of witnessing the miracle of birth and felt elevated when this was made possible
Olga is on a mission to normalize surrogacy as a family building option in order to make it available and accessible to all
Is a mother to 3 year old Felix and as a parent herself can understand the utmost desire to want to have a child and the sheer excitement, anticipation and personal growth that go hand in hand with raising a child

Who is this relevant for?

Intended parents considering international surrogacy (heterosexual couples, same sex couples or single individuals)

Intended parents who are new to the surrogacy process and are overwhelmed by the complexity of surrogacy

Those wanting independent, non agency affiliated advice

Intended parents looking for custom recommendations

Individuals wanting to manage their financial planning and next steps
Intended parents needing support and reassurance